Due to many years within project management and projects in Scandinavia and Europe we have build up and maintained our network of professional and trustful craftmen within carpentry, electricity, HVAC, plumber, sprinkler, fire consultants, technical enginerrs etc.

We are used to work with one time projects or roll out projects, you choose. In one time projects we need to define time plan and processes once. For the roll out projects we are fine tuning and sharpens up time plans and opening processes to execute projects faster, leaner and more efficient.

With our setup and partners we can easily scale up and have simultaneous ongoing projects all over Scandinavia at the same time.

With tools, communication and self-check report systems we can easily follow closely how each project is running simultaneously .

We know laws, regulations and we have all needed licenses, education and knowledge to be in charge of all processes during a retail, restaurant or showroom project.

We guarantee the quality of workmanship in all processes that we are responsible for. We stand for a solid professional promise that we do our outmost to ensure your opening date.

We love to take efficient and needed dialogues to ensure your design and visions. We stand on your side during the project and always fight in your favor for economy, design and function.

We are happy when you are happy – the first project is the start of our joint journey.